Tips to Avoid Joint Pain When Gardening


Having joint pain can be miserable. It may mean you are no longer able to easily perform tasks and hobbies, such as gardening, like you used to be able to. This can be frustrating, especially if something like gardening was your passion and joy. Thankfully, you no longer need to live a life where you are unable to garden because your arthritis or joint pain has been preventing you from doing so. Here are some tips that will help you avoid joint pain when gardening.

joint pain when gardening

Stretch and Warm Up to Avoid Joint Pain When Gardening

Before you get out your garden hoe and start working, stop what you are doing and stretch. Warm up your joints, to loosen them up. When you are gardening, you are probably using muscles you normally aren’t using that much. This means you may feel more pain in your joints if you avoid warming up.

There are many ways to get warmed up for a gardening session. Some of these are:

  • Tai Chi
  • Short walks
  • Restorative yoga
  • Stretching

When you do any of these before gardening, you will avoid that agonizing pain that occurs when you are putting your joints to work in the garden.

*As with any exercise, you should always consult your physician.

Use Joint-Protecting Gear

Gardening doesn’t have to be done with pain. You can wear protective gear that will provide support for your joints. Knee pads and cushions are a favorite among people who have issues with their joints, but still want to garden. These soft cushions will support your knees when you have to get down to the ground and pull out some weeds, or when you want to plant some seedlings. You can use a knee cushion for another purpose, which is sitting down, allowing for it to be even more useful than you thought it could be.

Besides pads and cushions, you can set up some gardening benches when you need to perform a task while sitting down, but want to be off of the ground. You can avoid squatting, which puts undue pressure on your joints. You also get to avoid constantly sitting down and standing up when you have a good garden bench. The less you need to use your knees in your garden, the better chance you have at avoiding gardening with joint pain.

Have Raised Beds and Garden Paths

Make your gardening experience more enjoyable by bringing the garden closer to you. What does that mean? Well, you can have raised beds made, as well as have garden paths installed. These solutions would help you avoid squatting, kneeling, and bending over to do something in your garden.

When your garden beds are raised, you also make it easier to plant, weed, and fertilize anything in your garden. You can either stand or sit on a chair. When you plan the raised beds, make them have a height close to where your hips are. Also, you will want to ensure you can get to any part of the raised bed from either side of it. This will help you avoid over-extending your legs and keep your joints from succumbing to any additional pain.

gardening with arthritis

Take Joint Pain Supplements

You can take preventative measures by taking a supplement designed for reducing and getting rid of joint pain. If you are already feeling achy joints, you should definitely take a supplement for quick and effective relief.

These days, there are quite a few joint pain supplements, but one of the most popular ones is JointFuel360. This is a unique supplement that combines natural ingredients.

Wrapping Up

Don’t wait until joint pain sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health supplements is a great way to help you keep moving!

* These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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