The Top Five Health Crises Facing Seniors


Seniors are living longer. The top five health crises facing seniors affecting this demographic should be a call to action.  In the next twenty years, our nation’s most populous demographic will be seniors (people age 65 and over). This age group is expected to reach the 77 million mark by 2040. Seniors aged 80 and older are expected to triple, reaching a total of 31 million by 2050.  People in their 90s and 100s are expected to quadruple from 2 million to 8 million in the same time frame.

Although advancements in science and technology seem to be allowing us to live longer, that is only half the story.  Eighty percent of older adults will have to face these health crises in some way. While seniors may be living longer, they are spending those extra years contending with soreness and pain.

Seniors and their families have good reason to be concerned.  Understanding each of the top five health crises individually can be a step towards their prevention and management.

Health Crises Facing Seniors

Top 5 Health Crises Facing Seniors 

Heart Disease:

The leading killer of people over 65 is at the top of the list.  Many factors can increase the risk of heart disease. Some of these risk factors are controllable, like a person’s lifestyle.  Other factors, like family history, are not.

Nearly half of Americans have at least one of the three key risk factors for heart disease: use of tobacco, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  This is one of the health care crises facing seniors that is more manageable and can be controlled by stopping the use of nicotine, getting more exercise, and eating a healthier diet.


There are more than 100 different types of this disease.  Some types of arthritis can cause soreness and stiffness, while other types attack the immune system.  Arthritis is generally considered to be “unpreventable.”  However, seniors can stem off the effects by making dietary modifications, including supplementing their diet with vitamins under the guidance of a physician or certified dietician and having an active lifestyle that includes daily exercise.

Health Crises Facing Seniors


This is a health crisis that is not unique to seniors – it is a concern for people of all ages.  But it’s prevalence in seniors is especially concerning and it is the second leading cause of death for seniors, behind heart disease.  Fortunately, because of the common health crises facing seniors, cancer can be abated with proper screening and lower rates of tobacco use.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia:

This is a health crisis that should be of genuine concern to families with seniors.  5.8 million Americans aged 65 and older are currently affected by this disease.  The key to the management of Alzheimer’s is in recognizing the common early symptoms, including memory loss and forgetfulness.  Unfortunately, there are multiple factors that can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Dementia including age, family history, and genetics.


Seniors are at a greater risk of developing diabetes than their younger counterparts.  Lifelong eating habits and weight gain are the main contributors to the development of diabetes in seniors.  The elderly have been exposed to sugar longer than other generations of people and this increases the chances of developing hyperglycemia, and, ultimately, type 2 diabetes at an older age.  This is one of the health crises facing seniors that can be controlled by choosing to eat healthily and losing excess weight through daily exercise.

Apply Preventative Maintenance to Control Senior Health Crises

This is a nation where less than 1% of all health care dollars will go toward preventative measures.  Many seniors have lived less-than-active lifestyles with high-sugar diets and are now relying on the health care industry to pick up the slack on the back end of their lives.

But “growing old” does not have to mean living with these health crises.  Baby Boomers have the resources to deal with these chronic conditions and, with a little guidance, can live their lives with less soreness and pain.

Yes, seniors and their families have genuine and well-founded concerns about their future.  The decrease in mortality rates combined with the entry of the large baby boomer generation into age groups at higher risk means that there will be many more seniors who continue to live longer while dealing with these five health crises than ever before.

As we get older, one of the most effective approaches seniors can take is to apply a preventative approach.  A sensible diet and daily exercise will help you live a higher quality of life in later years.

Supplements Can Minimize Severity of Senior Health Crises

These efforts can be rewarding enough, but they can be augmented quite successfully with vitamins and dietary supplements that can make great contributions toward a healthy lifestyle.  But finding a supplement that is both proven and right for you can be a challenging task.

In terms of supplements for seniors that have a great history of being effective in preventing and fighting the health crises causing joint pain and soreness, JointFuel360 is one vitamin resource backed by numerous testimonials from athletes and physicians.  JointFuel360 goes a long way in fighting the soreness and pain that comes from arthritis.

Before taking any dietary supplement, you should consult your physician or registered dietician. If you choose to use internet research alone, be sure the vitamins and supplements you consider are legitimate.  Always consider the product reviews and the company manufacturing the products.

Seniors and families alike know what they are supposed to do to deal with the looming health care crisis. Sometimes staying active, quitting smoking, and eating well can be easier said than done.  It is important to take whatever small steps you can. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

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